Udemy 50 days of LEETCODE in CMAANG Algorithms Coding Interview



5.46 GB | 00:28:23 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 - Introduction to the problem (31.37 MB)
2 - Brute force solution intuition (20.29 MB)
3 - Pseudocode walkthrough (31.42 MB)
4 - Better Approach intuition (45.4 MB)
5 - Approach 2 Pseudocode walkthrough (30.31 MB)
6 - Implementing the code (7.99 MB)
48 - Introduction to the problem and brute force approach (16.79 MB)
49 - Pseudocode walkthrough for brute approach (10.23 MB)
50 - Approach 2 better Approach (27.66 MB)
51 - Implementing the code (11.92 MB)
52 - Approach 3 optimal approach (45.5 MB)
53 - Implementing the optimal approach (6.63 MB)
54 - Explaining the problem (18.46 MB)
55 - Implementing the code (8.8 MB)
56 - Introduction to the problem (15.21 MB)
57 - Examples of binary additions (9.75 MB)
58 - Pseudocode Implementation (14.07 MB)
59 - Pseudocode Walkthrough (25.97 MB)
60 - Implementing the code (17.55 MB)
61 - Approach 1 Introduction to the problem and brute force approach (42.68 MB)
62 - Brute force Pseudocode Implementation (10.42 MB)
63 - Pseudocode Walkthrough (25.8 MB)
64 - Approach 2 Optimal Approach Explanation (63.28 MB)
65 - Pseudocode Walkthrough (17.32 MB)
66 - Code Implementation (10.16 MB)
67 - Introduction to the problem and multiple approaches (41.43 MB)
68 - Optimal Approach (17.16 MB)
69 - Code Implementation (8.29 MB)
70 - Approach 1 Intuition (16.96 MB)
71 - Approach 1 Pseudocode Walkthrough (24.24 MB)
72 - Approach 2 Majority Element Intuition (25.12 MB)
73 - Implementing Approach 2 code (9.2 MB)
74 - Approach 3 Intuition Optimal solution (39.65 MB)
75 - Approach 3 Walkthrough Optimal solution (13.19 MB)
76 - Implementing Approach 3 optimal approach (7.82 MB)
77 - Brute force Explanation (33.81 MB)
78 - Brute Force Pseudocode Walkthrough (28.19 MB)
79 - Approach 2 Optimal approach (57.16 MB)
80 - Implementing the code (16.9 MB)
81 - Explanation Minimum Window Substring part 1 (19.27 MB)
82 - Explanation Minimum window substring part 2 (26.36 MB)
83 - Explanation Minimum window substring part 3 (63.15 MB)
84 - Pseudocode Implementation (44.87 MB)
85 - Pseudocode Walkthrough (46.13 MB)
86 - Code Implementation Minimum Window Substring (31.62 MB)
87 - Explanation Group Anagrams Medium 49 (57.11 MB)
88 - Introduction to the problem (27.84 MB)
89 - InputOuput for the problem (28.6 MB)
90 - Intuition behind the problem (27.49 MB)
91 - Pseudocode implementation (35.57 MB)
92 - Pseudocode Walkthrough (63.07 MB)
10 - Implementing the code (8.17 MB)
7 - Introduction to the problem (14.26 MB)
8 - How to think about this problem (24.01 MB)
9 - Pseudocode Walkthrough (17.35 MB)
93 - Explanation Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 21 (18.78 MB)
94 - Pseudocode Implementation Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 21 (22.46 MB)
95 - Walkthrough Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 21 (27.18 MB)
96 - Code Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 21 (12.86 MB)
100 - Code Linked List Cycle Easy 141 (8.91 MB)
97 - Explanation Linked List Cycle Easy 141 (10.42 MB)
98 - Intuition Linked List Cycle Easy 141 (25.04 MB)
99 - Walkthrough Linked List Cycle Easy 141 (10.89 MB)
101 - Explanation Reverse Linked List (10.23 MB)
102 - Intuition Reverse Linked List (21.64 MB)
103 - pseudocode Implementation Walkthrough Reverse Linked List (26.21 MB)
104 - Implementing the code Reverse Linked List (13.27 MB)
105 - Explanation Add Two Numbers (20.55 MB)
106 - Intuition Add Two Numbers (23.26 MB)
107 - Pseudocode Implementation Add Two Numbers (15.93 MB)
108 - Walkthrough Add Two Numbers (28.66 MB)
109 - Code Add Two Numbers (24.94 MB)
110 - Explanation Remove Nth Node From End of List (10.74 MB)
111 - Intuition Remove Nth Node From End of List (26.64 MB)
112 - Walkthrough Remove Nth Node From End of List (16.9 MB)
113 - Approach 2 Explanation Remove Nth Node From End of List (27.64 MB)
114 - Approach 2 Walkthrough Remove Nth Node From End of List (16.75 MB)
115 - Code Remove Nth Node From End of List (15.46 MB)
116 - Explanation Odd Even Linked List (15.99 MB)
117 - Intuition Odd Even Linked List (39.61 MB)
118 - Implementation Odd Even Linked List (8.23 MB)
119 - Walkthrough Odd Even Linked List (19.56 MB)
120 - Code Odd Even Linked List (15.36 MB)
121 - Explanation Subsets (21.98 MB)
122 - Cascading solution explanation Subsets (18.78 MB)
123 - Cascading solution walkthrough Subsets (14.81 MB)
124 - Backtracking Approach 2 explanation Subsets (28.82 MB)
125 - Implementing the code (15.94 MB)
126 - Explanation Letter Combinations of a Phone Number (17.48 MB)
127 - Intuition Letter Combinations of a Phone Number (48.16 MB)
128 - Walkthrough Letter Combinations of a Phone Number (57.79 MB)
129 - Code Letter Combinations of a Phone Number (15.54 MB)
130 - Explanation Word Search Medium 79 (105 MB)
131 - Explanation the problem (18.38 MB)
132 - Intuition behind the problem (32.87 MB)
133 - Walkthrough over the pseudocode (39.06 MB)
134 - Implementing the code (22.85 MB)
11 - Problem Introduction (27.36 MB)
12 - How to intuitively think about this problem (30.78 MB)
13 - Pseudocode Walkthrough (31.51 MB)
14 - Implementing the code (15.69 MB)
135 - Explaining the problem (43.34 MB)
136 - Pseudocode implementation (11.96 MB)
137 - Walkthrough over pseudocode (64.61 MB)
138 - Implementing the code (20.44 MB)
139 - Explaining the problem (13.89 MB)
140 - Intuition behind the problem (25.85 MB)
141 - Walkthrough over pseudocode (56.97 MB)
142 - Implementing the code (12.31 MB)
143 - Explaining the problem (7.23 MB)
144 - Intuition and pseudocode implementation (34.6 MB)
145 - Walkthrough over pseudocode (31.05 MB)
146 - Implementing the real code (11.5 MB)
147 - Explaining the problem (13.88 MB)
148 - Intuition behind the problem (18.32 MB)
149 - Walkthrough over pseudocode (47.26 MB)
150 - Coding the solution (16.49 MB)
151 - Explaining the problem (10.78 MB)
152 - Intuition behind the problem (21.34 MB)
153 - Pseudocode implementation (22.37 MB)
154 - Walkthrough over pseudocode (32.63 MB)
155 - Explaining the problem and brute force approach (24.6 MB)
156 - Optimised Solution Explanation (43.64 MB)
157 - Implementing the code (8.99 MB)
158 - Explaining the Serialisation (37.93 MB)
159 - Walkthrough over pseudocode Serialisation (20.49 MB)
160 - Explaining the Deserialisation (36.67 MB)
161 - Walkthrough over pseudocode Deserialisation (37.3 MB)
162 - Explaining the problem (14.07 MB)
163 - Intuition behind the problem (38.59 MB)
164 - Walkthrough over pseudocode (54.53 MB)
165 - Coding the solution (14.19 MB)
166 - Brute force explanation (33.55 MB)
167 - Walkthrough over pseudocode (19.33 MB)
168 - Optimal solution explanation (38.18 MB)
169 - Explaining the problem (18.89 MB)
170 - Intuition behind this problem (24.67 MB)
171 - Pseudocode Implementation (7.76 MB)
172 - Walkthrough over the pseudocode (24.97 MB)
173 - Implementing the code (14.02 MB)
15 - Brute force Intuition (25 MB)
16 - Brute force pseudocode walkthrough (15.88 MB)
17 - Better Approach Intuition (28.26 MB)
18 - Better Approach Pseudocode walkthrough (12.76 MB)
19 - Implementing the code (9.35 MB)
174 - Explaining the problem (39.99 MB)
175 - Walkthrough over pseudocode (22.56 MB)
176 - Implementing the code (13.47 MB)
177 - Explaining the problem (12.38 MB)
178 - Intuition behind the problem (38.06 MB)
179 - Walkthrough over pseudocode (26.81 MB)
180 - Optimal solution explanation (59.75 MB)
181 - Optimal solution pseudocode walkthrough (21.52 MB)
182 - Implementing the code (14.19 MB)
183 - Explanation of the problem (26.6 MB)
184 - Implementing the code (12.71 MB)
185 - Explanation behind the problem (26.95 MB)
186 - Intuition behind the problem (52.76 MB)
187 - 2nd Approach Bottom Up dynamic programming (22.9 MB)
188 - Walkthrough behind pseudocode (19.84 MB)
189 - Implementing the code (13.72 MB)
190 - Explanation behind the problem (14.51 MB)
191 - Intuition behind the problem (30.82 MB)
192 - Walkthrough over pseudocode (21.31 MB)
193 - Optimal solution explanation (25.73 MB)
194 - Coding the solution (10.56 MB)
195 - Explaining the problem (34.44 MB)
196 - Intuition behind the problem (49.17 MB)
197 - Implementation the pseudocode (23.88 MB)
198 - Bottom up approach explanation (9.89 MB)
199 - Bottom up approach walkthrough (13.9 MB)
200 - Bottom up optimisation (8.22 MB)
201 - Code Climbing Stairs (7.67 MB)
202 - Explaining the problem (15.61 MB)
203 - Intuition behind the problem (38.72 MB)
204 - Pseudocode Implementation and optimisation (32.2 MB)
205 - Bottom up approach explanation (50.53 MB)
206 - Implementing the code (21.08 MB)
207 - Explaining the problem (23.99 MB)
208 - Pseudocode Implementation and walkthrough (16.59 MB)
209 - Implementing the code (12.4 MB)
210 - Explanation of the problem (11.43 MB)
211 - Initial Intuition behind the problem (34.24 MB)
212 - Optimising the previous solution (36.97 MB)
213 - Pseudocode Implementation (18.59 MB)
214 - Walkthrough over pseudocode (50.96 MB)
215 - Implementing the code (28.41 MB)
216 - Explaining the problem (63.57 MB)
217 - Coding the implementation (20.94 MB)
20 - Introduction to the problem (11.2 MB)
21 - Brute Force Intuition (55.22 MB)
22 - Pseudocode walkthrough (88.18 MB)
23 - Approach 2 Intuition (43.55 MB)
24 - Approach 2 pseudocode walkthrough (27.85 MB)
25 - Implementing the code (16.46 MB)
26 - Introduction to the problem and brute force approach (23.72 MB)
27 - Brute force Pseudocode walkthrough (28.57 MB)
28 - Approach 2 Optimal Approach intuition (43.49 MB)
29 - Pseudocode walkthrough part 1 (35.94 MB)
30 - Pseudocode walkthrough part 2 (39.24 MB)
31 - Implementing the code (33.28 MB)
32 - Introduction To The Problem And Brute Force Approach (30.88 MB)
33 - Optimal Solution Intuition (25.99 MB)
34 - Optimal solution pseudocode walkthrough (8.3 MB)
35 - Implementing the code (16.34 MB)
36 - Introduction to the problem (16.3 MB)
37 - Approach 1 Brute Force Approach (18.58 MB)
38 - Approach 2 A Better Approach Explanation (25.34 MB)
39 - PseudoCode Walkthrough For Approach 2 (14.5 MB)
40 - Implementing the code (6.03 MB)
41 - Approach 3 Optimal Approach (28.26 MB)
42 - Implementing the optimal approach (4.56 MB)
43 - Problem Introduction And Brute Force Explanation (26.5 MB)
44 - Pseudocode Walkthrough For Brute Force Approach (24.56 MB)
45 - Approach 2 Optimal solution (46.57 MB)
46 - Pseudocode Walkthrough For Optimal Approach (31.26 MB)
47 - Code Implementation (15.45 MB)


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